
Few of My Current Research Focus Areas

  • Bayesian Machine Learning Models: I am currently working on Bayesian Kernel based machine learning models for prediction problems for complex and high dimensional data sets. Working on developing models, fast algorithms for model fitting, optimized computer codes for efficient implementations, and other scalability issues for current "Big Data" challenges.

  • Bayesian Adaptive Ensemble Trees and Networks: Here I am working on developing novel ideas on ensemble models with trees and neural network architectures under Bayesian framework. The idea is to use a large number of simple trees or neural network model and in aggregate make a highly flexible and adaptive ensemble model. The size of the ensemble is adaptive determined from the data with the help of a prior.

  • Bayesian Feature or Variable Selection Problems: I am developing Bayesian variable selection priors for ultra-dimensional Bayesian SVM models, Bayesian Grouped Lasso models with overlapping group variables, Bayesian structured variable selection with Graph Laplacian priors, and Bayesian Lassos for high dimensional stationary vector autoregressions .

  • Model Based Data Integration from Multiple and Diverse Data Platforms: The rough idea which I am still fine tuning is developing a model based unified approach when we have data on same individual collected based on different data generating platforms. For example, when we have medical data sets collected on individual which are pathology data, image data, molecular data based on different genetic platforms and epigenetics etc.

  • GWAS for Autism Studies: Model based SNP selection in GWAS for Autism Studies.

  • Machine Learning in Material Science: Developing a comprehensive toolbox of machine learning and predictive analytics tools specially geared towards answering questions and problems from areas of material science, nanoscience, and nanotechnology.

  • Machine Learning Analytics in Sales and Marketing: Making machine learning tools easily accessible through excel spreadsheet platform for end uses like sales managers to make better business decision and improve the sales efficiency and strategy.